
There is something magical about being pregnant …

Natural, relaxed photographs of this important time in your life in my comfy studio, at your home, or in a meaningful outdoor location. You can stay fully clothed or bare as much of your bump as you feel comfortable too – we’ll design the session together so it’s personal to you. Your partner and, if you have them, older children are welcome to join too.

Your maternity session is best scheduled for any time in your 28-34th week when your bump is looking gorgeous but before you are feeling a bit uncomfortable.
That said, every woman is different and this is just a guideline, you can book as early or as late as you feel like. However, if you’d like a last-minute session and you’re after 34 weeks and feel like you are still comfortable then get in touch!

Here, you can read a few reasons why you should have a maternity session 🙂

Few reasons why you should have a maternity photo shoot/Grimsby/Lincolnshire

Please, contact me if would you like to book your session.